

IFTTT Do webform

I’ve just made up a way to make a Do webform app using IFTTT. You can upload the code wherever you want or even in local. Recipe If Maker trigger then send a preformatted text. My example recipe is a IF Notification but you can use this trigger to fire an email, a slack message or SMS. Code Here is the code, do not forget to match the trigger and key.


Getting mobile notifications from Raspberry Pi GPIO

In first place we need to setup the GPIO monitoring code. This code monitors every 5 seconds if the state of the GPIO pin 25 has changed. If so, it makes a post to the Maker IFTTT channel. It’s important to replace <maker-key> with your maker channel key and <eventname> with your recipe event name. #!/usr/bin/python #gpio code import os, sys import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import requests from datetime import datetime def post(value): Read more…


Reading signal from virtual serial port

Note: this post was rescued from my older blog and added it here on Aug 2018. Pinguino project is no longer being developed but the same approach can be used with any Arduino board. Here I upload the code for a simple task with pinguino: executing a script when you push a button on a circuit. Documentation: Serial port guide by Michael R. Sweet  – unistd.h – read function. Circuit: simple push-button circuit with a Read more…